While safeguarding is the responsibility of everyone within the running club (led by the whole committee), having club welfare officers ensures the club has dedicated people with the primary responsibility for managing and reporting concerns about members at risk.
The welfare officers give members trained and trusted people to speak to about a concern, either within the club or at times outside athletics. The welfare officers are the lead people who have the right skills and knowledge to manage any concern raised in an appropriate way. Their responsibility will be to ensure the right information is shared with the right people at the right time.
By completing training provided by England Athletics and understanding the policies and procedures set out by UK Athletics, clubs can be confident that their welfare officers have the right level of knowledge for the role. This includes how to raise a concern and who to speak to within the sport.
Kevin Johnson (top image, far left)
Welfare Secretary
Bernie Wood (bottom image, centre)
Welfare Officer

Information for coaches - Link to list of local defibrillators.